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Meet Fashion & Design Lab Teachers


Fashion/Design/Business Department Teachers


Anna Maria Tartaglia

Marketing and Communications Director with proven experience gained in Luxury, Fashion Art, Retail and Lifestyle in companies such as Superga, Trussardi, Salvatore Ferragamo and Value Retail.

Strong international strategy, business organization and management, business plan and income statement, brand positioning and management, marketing and integrated communication, licensing, fashion retail and cool hunting.



Scouting and mentoring young talents and start up of new business projects. Innovation, vision and ability to coaching resources to fully restore the profile. High level experiece in teaching as Project Leader, Mentor and Master Teacher in Strategic Marketing and Management for Fashion, Retail, Luxury and Branding at Sole 24 Ore Business School, SDA Bocconi, Domus Academy and Polimoda / FIT. Author of the book The Luxury …. Magic & Marketing – Present and Future of Essential Superfluous (Ed. Franco Angeli – 3 editions: January 2006, January 2007, January 2008).

Francesco Scianni

Art Director, Architect and Fashion Designer.

International fashion trends and concepts expert, has offered his expertise to top world market firms and still cooperates with companies in Italy, France, Turkey, USA, Colombia, China and Brazil.


Paolo Di Nardo

Architetto Paolo di Nardo, FirenzePaolo Di Nardo earned his degree in Architecture at the University of Florence in 1985 with a doctorate in Architectural Design and Research in the same University. Besides his professional activities Paolo Di Nardo lives an intense teaching life at the Architectural University of Florence as a contract professor for the Archicture II LAB for the years 2006 to 2013.



He is also a contract professor at the Kent University, and contract professor for the “HISTORY OF ITALIAN DESIGN” at the Roger William University. Paolo also teaches “URBAN DESIGN” in the Doctorate Research Course at Universiteti Politeknik in Tirana, Albania for the years 2012/2013. During the years 1997-98 he’s taught as a contract professor “URBAN MORPHOLOGYMORFOLOGIA URBANA” at the Stanford University. Since 2003 he is founder and director for the quarterly magazine AND “Rivista di architetture, città e architetti” with editorial offices in Florence and published by DNA. AND is a bilingual Architecture magazine distributed through the bookshop chain Librerie Feltrinelli d’Italia and in specialized Architecture bookshops, beside being available in the major world bookshops and libraries. Achitect Di Nardo guides a work team involved since fifteen years in architectural contests in Italy and abroad, obtaining several prizes and awards. In 2010 he was invited by the Albanian government in a limited invitation contest for 12 European studies for the New Albanian Parliament in Tirana. In 2003 Di Nardo founds ARX company whose goal is to overcome the single projectual logic to allow the architectural design process through an exchange between research and realization, from the single building to large scale projects in infrastructural, residential and architectural and environmental redevolpment tasks, also involving design and graphics areas.

Bonaventura Di Bello

Long time digital communication and multimedia expert, follows and teaches all trends in technology as a freelance consultant for press and internet projects and products.

As a teacher he trains students in the final and vital skill of presenting and promoting their ideas and following products, using current and most effective communication, presentation and online marketing techniques and technologies.

Lorenzo Bartolini

Consultant in concept designs and supervision of trends forum areas in international trade fairs exhibitions in the area of Fashion Design for textile and apparel companies. Speaker in many conferences for important universities like the University of Florence (Faculty of Letter and Philosophy) – Department of Communication and Linguistic Sciences and the University of Perugia (Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Business and Economy) – Cicle of lectures for the ABIT (Brazilian Association of Textiles Industries) relating to the implications that development of sociological-cultural-economic scenarios will have on future textiles and clothing (in seven cities in Brazil).

Ludovica Francini

Graphic and Web Designer living in Florence, Italy. After graduating from Shillington College in London with a Certificate in graphic design, Ludovica began her career in a communication agency where she still works. The majority of her work is centered around user interface communication based web design. Occasionaly she teaches communication and graphic design principles in workshops and individual classes to help young professionals find the right way to their ideal job.

Martina Manescalchi

Expert in areas related to the web, marketing, copywriting and social media marketing, with a long time experience in PPC advertising campaigns, Facebook Ads and Web Analysis.

Works has a consultant and trainer for fashion and design companies in the areas of web communication.


Martina Tallon

Martina describes herself as a “joyful journalist, communication expert and pr living in Florence and enjoying Tuscan people and lifestyle”. After various experience as a model booker and fashion event manager, she grew up in a mix of Italian and Middle European culture, discovered the city of Florence as a University student and fell in love with it instantly. Fashion, art, food and wine: these are the topics she likes to talk and write about. But she finds difficult to say what she loves more: being at a fashion show watching models in fabulous creations or enjoying, in company of a friend, an excellent glass of wine and a creative cuisine dish?

Simonetta Doni

Architect, she received her Degree at Florence University in 1995. From 1996 to 2005 she worked as landscape designer in Florence and Tuscany. She approaches her work with a passion on cultural contamination between design, arts and handicraft, focusing on environmentally oriented design. Her work has varied in scale – from small gardens to 45 hectares theme parks. From 2006 to 2011 she joined Artesegno Ingegneria, an engineering company in Pistoia (Tuscany) working as designer and developping mixed use master plans and feasibility studies. Today She is working as a freelance in Florence and Tuscany. She has published several articles on FD&L Magazine on Contemporary Art and Design.

Carmia De Ninnis

Architect and Designer with a particular experience in ethic luxury goods. Expert in new technologies and innovative materials she creates concepts and products ranging from architecture to design and fashion.

Teacher in many areas, among which that of “olistic” design at Università Popolare Magna in Milan, she organizes all studies and research activities of the University headquarters in Rome.


Paolo Cardoso

Psychologist and psychotherapist since 1987, expert in Communication, Job Organization and Human Resources Management.

In F&DL Paolo Cardoso teaches the “stress evolution management” and “conflict management” in the company” courses.



Marta Mulazzan

Fashion designer and fashion sketch expert, cooperates with “lebelleforme” and with the major international style groups. In the role of teacher, she plans and supervises all hand made graphic fashion design processes, from the starting concept to the final sketch, a vital skill for students willing to make a style concept real and bringing it into the creation and production process.


Daniele Montani

Engineer , earned his degrees in 2001 and 2002 at the University of Florence, master degree in “Mechanical Advanced Design” , 2004 and master degree in Marketing and in Business Administration , 2006.

Expert of product developement and advanced design and problem solving techniques as Axiomatic Design and Triz, as well as 3D scanning, prototyping and modeling techniques.



He spent his work life in various R&D and Design divisions of privately held and public companies , first as researcher than as research manager, marketing director and managing director. Since 2008 he is managing director of PMD Promo Design s.cons. a r.l., where he developed with the PMD staff the techniques and procedures applied for the 3D scanning and reproduction of the panels of the Ghiberti doors, Baptistery of S.Giovanni , Firenze as well as the concepts and the developement of several industrial products and processes , resulting in 7 national and international patents developed so far in the last 2 years. Since 2003 he developed studies and research for the application of advanced design techniques, such as 3D scanning, prototyping and modelling, to fashion and luxury design, leading several projects carried on by consortia partecipated by the University of Florence. Teacher in many courses in product developement, industrial innovation and 3D design techniques.

Filippo Susca

Filippo Susca earned his degree in Architecture at the University of Florence in 2006 and in 2008 earned a master degree in “technical research in industrial design”.

Expert in concept design and 3D scanning, prototyping and advanced modeling techniques such as the use of generative algorithms, winner of the “Promo-Sedia Ernesto Caiazza” chair design contest in 2001 , developes design and concepts from architecture to industrial design.



Teaching Assistant , Digital Design technologies course at the Architectural University of Florence till 2010, since 2010 he is “Architecture and Design Manager” of PMD Promo Design s.cons.a r.l. , where he developed with the PMD staff the techniques and procedures applied for the 3D scanning and reproduction of the panels of the Ghiberti doors, Baptistery of S.Giovanni , Firenze, as well as the concepts and the design of several industrial products .

Eugenia Valacchi

eugenia valacchi architettoEugenia Valacchi is born in Florence in 1975; in the same city, after her degree in Architecture, attends the Specialization School in History, Analysis and Evaluation of Architectural and Environmental Goods and earns a Doctorate for Reasearch in History of Architecture. While active in Historiography Research, is involved as speaker in several international conferences about restoration and urban reclamation and brings forward her career as an Architect. She’s part of the Architecture of Stone and Material Design at the University of Ferrara, where she has the opportunity to confront herself with technologies and interior and exterior design avantgarde.

Luca Sgrilli

Luca Sgrilli architettoLuca Sgrilli starts his University studies in Architecture in 1999, after earning a diploma in surveying, and earns his new degree in 2005 together with two bursaries in France and Chile. In the following two years specializes in Architecture/History/Project at the University of Roma Tre and the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. In 2009 he starts a new studies cycle which earns him a Doctorate in History and Technology of Architecture and Environment in Neaples, while actively participating in several projects in Italy and abroad. He’s also author of several articles in specialized Architectural magazines and paper.

Marco Pratesi

General Manager Sales and Marketing Manager for renowed companies in the area of fashion, Marco is an expert about Far East (China, India) and South America (Brazil, Colombia) markets. He teaches international marketing and commercial and cultural relations between countries.

Marco Scala

Marco ScalaMarco Scala is an experienced Architect and Fashion Professional since 1984, collaborating in events realization in fashion world with fashion shows, mounting  exhibitions and fairs. Advisor for PITTI IMMAGINE from 1985, technical person  in charge for R.I.A.F., for Florence Sample Fair and  Biennale della Moda; in the latest years has participated actively as event designer and event director and supervisor in many of the most important events at renowed fashion locations in Florence, like Fortezza dal Basso, Leopolda Station,  Strozzi’s Palace, Pitti’s Palace and many others, for the major firms and brands in the fashion industry.



In more than 25 years of professional activities, Marco Scala has shown a poliedric attitude and versatile skills in the areas of Art ad Exhibitions, Architecture and Renovation, Interior Design and also in Education. He has collaborated with many important  established professionals in the world of image, fashion and also art as Oliviero Toscani, Dante Ferretti , Vittorio Storaro and Tom Dixon, and has taught many different disciplines in professional courses for European Community educational programs in schools and universities.


Food & Wine Culture Department Teachers


Maurizio Colia

Maurizio ColiaAfter a five years degree in the Hotel Professional School of Pescara, Italy, Maurizio Colia earns his Foundation and Intermediate Certificate in Wine & Spirit at WSET, London in 1998, followed by a Master Sommelier Certificate in 2004 and an Advanced Master Sommelier Certificate one year later, and two years later he earns the Advanced Certificate in Wine & Spirit and enrolls in Masters of Wine Courses at WSET.



His long time experience in several Italian and European professional environments as a Maitre Sommelier, coupled with his ability to easily adapt to multicultural environments and his communication skills, naturally evolves in the teaching career which allows him to transmit his strong Wine & Spirit skills and know-how with ease and effectiveness.



Music Department Teachers


Cesare Valentini

Cesare Valentini was born in Palermo, Sicily and begin to study piano at the age of 10 and composition at the age of 14. From the age of 20 Valentini resided in Florence where also studied Law at the University. He got the Master’s Degree in Music Composition with “Summa cum Laude” in Milan Conservatory G. Verdi with M° Mario Garuti. The first public concerts of his music, when he was 26, were in little festivals and concerts in Florence. His style came from neoclassicism, step by step influenced by avant-garde music but not serial. Like other schools in the world he works with the impression of sounds, harmonics, colored atonality.


His music has been performed in Italy, Europe and South America by important ensembles, orchestras and artists such as Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina, Osem (National orchestra of Mexico), Illinois State University (Chicago, USA), Ricercare Strumentale Italiano, members of ORT, J Futura Orchestra, Ensemble Italiano, Fonè String Quartet, I Fiati Italiani, the flutist Roberto Fabbriciani, the singers Francesca Bellofatto, Susanna Rigacci, Patrizia Morandini, Maria Costanza Nocentini, Monica Benvenuti and many others. He was also director of many concert seasons in Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Toscana Classica in Orsanmichele, Aspetti del Sacro etc.. He was also the composer in residence of the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina and collaborates with many institutions especially for contemporary music. He is a playwrite too and in 1997 won a national literature prize. Actually he is working on new sounds for acoustic instruments in XXI century music.

Francesca Bellofatto

Francesca Bellofatto, soprano, was born into a family of musicians and very young started studying classical guitar and then singing with Marinella Meli.

She continued her education with Antonietta Stella and participated to master classes with Antonietta Stella at Palazzo Barberini in Rome and Sergio Segalini at the Accademia d’Arte Lirica in Osimo, attending also the Academy of Advanced Studies for opera singers of Puccini repertoire in Torre del Lago (LU).



She won the special prize “Ruggero Leoncavallo” as the best voice of verismo at the XIII edition of the International Singing Competition “Ritorna Vincitor” in Ercolano (NA), and she was also the winner of the fourteenth edition of the same competition for the debut of the opera “La Bohème” by Puccini in the role of Mimi under the baton Maestro Alberto Veronesi. She appeared in numerous recitals and festivals in Italy and Europe: Theatre “New Phoenix” of Osimo, Summer Festival of the island of Hvar (Croatia), concert for “Friday Music” at the hall “A. Scarlatti “Conservatory” S. Pietro a Majella (Naples), Theatre “Nae Leonard” of Galati and Roman University of Bucharest, Puccini Festival Foundation for the inauguration of the auditorium “Enrico Caruso” in Torre del Lago, Concerto for the Puccini Festival Foundation during the Puccini Award. She made her debut in the role of Puccini’s Tosca for the New Opera Festival of Rome with the conduction of Maestro Sean Kelly, Leonora in Il Trovatore by Verdi at the theater “Nae Leonard” in Galati (Romania), Mimì in La Bohème by Puccini in Villa Campolieto (NA) with Maestro Alberto Veronesi, Ciesca in Gianni Schicchi by Puccini in Torre del Lago with Maestro Valerio Galli. Shee is currently working on contemporary music and experimental music too, concerts, productions and recordings.

Monica Cioci

After a degree in piano and a bachelor in History of Music, Monica Cioci specialized in composition and performed in several concerts as a solo pianist, in theatres such as: Teatro Ruggero Ruggeri di Guastalla, Teatro di Rapolano Terme, Teatro Reims, Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori, Lyceum, Salone del Buonumore di Firenze (G.A.M.O). In 2002 she formed the Duo Roberto Lupi with Keiko Shigetoh (soprano) with whom she performed contemporary repertoire music in particular (Biennale di Arte Contemporanea, Pinacoteca di Castiglion Fiorentino, Centro Vito Frazzi etc.). She was also involved in various publications and conferences related to the history of music, and presented several concerts for prestigious Florence association like Dante Alighieri, the Lyceum and Europamusica. She is currently a piano teacher at the Accademia Musicale di Firenze and also teaches at the Università dell’Età Libera, where she has held monographic courses about Chopin, Debussy and Russian music of the XIX Century.